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“In Memory of Our Loved Ones”

$2,500.00 Donation

The Margaret Dankworth Memorial Fund

$500.00 Donation

Jeff & Rose Durant in honor of parents:
James & Dolly Derry, Nick & Opal Durant

In Memory of Jeff Durant,
given by wife Rosemary

Tony Francis in memory of
Barbara Francis

In Memory of Alec Melanko,
given by his Family

Stephon Green in memory of
Spotwood & Ida Green

In Memory of
Vera E. Hepburn Melanko

In Memory of Bill Kasko

In Memory of Alvas and Helen Higgins

Martha Wassmann-Winn for Frederick and Hilda H Wassmann

In Memory of Jeffrey A. Warner

Ron and Rita Mellott in Memory of Parents Joseph & Bertha Husek/Harold
& Frances Mellott

Valentine and Constance Ostasiewski

Stanley and Virginia Ostasiewski

Benjamin F. Taylor

Rudy and Ann Schilller

Kerr Children in Memory of Parents Ralston and Dorothy Danford Kerr

In Memory of Joe and Polly Albaugh

Rose Zweig Starr in Memory of
the Zweig Family

In Memory of the Teasdale, Kuchinka
and Stolz Families

Anthony M. and Mary Clare Vavra

In Memory of Son and Brother
William F. Shubat

Robert “Bob” Tarbet and Marilyn K. Marling

David and Alex Francis,
In Memory of Grandparents Harry
and Edna Stemkouski Francis

In Memory of Our Mother, Nancy Ann Robinson Frizzi

In Memory of The Anderson Ralston Family by Great Grandson William C Kerr

In Memory of Colleen Willis

Salvatore and Assunta D'Aquila / Victor and Lucy Gilot Families 1-740-963-3500
Viaduct Preservation Brochure